Sr.No DATE Notice NO. SUBJECT Email
1 11/11/2024 24-2024 Digitization of Customs Bonded Warehouse procedures relating to obtaining Warehouse License, Bond to Bond Movement of Warehoused goods, and uploading of Monthly Returns – reg Email
2 24/10/2024 23-2024 PUBLIC NOTICE 23-2024(RTI) Email
3 21/10/2024 22-2024 PN-22-2024 (scmtr) Email
4 15/10/2024 20-2024 PUBLIC NOTICE 20-2024 ( RTI ) Email
5 15/10/2024 21-2024 PUBLIC NOTICE 21-2024(RTI) Email
6 12/10/2024 PN-19-2024 PUBLIC NOTICE 19-2024 Email
7 09/10/2024 17-2024 Public Notice No. 17/2024 i.r.o F Category Exam - regarding Email
8 04/10/2024 PN-18-2024 Appointment of CPIO Email
9 20/09/2024 167-2024 Notice No. 167/2024-25/CBS in respect of CB M/s. Aarmbh shipping and logistics LLP (PAN NO. ACBFA5860F) Email
10 04/09/2024 15-2024 PUBLIC NOTICE 15/2024 Email
11 04/09/2024 15-2024 PUBLIC NOTICE 15/2024 Email
12 03/09/2024 14-2024 Public Notice 14 2024 Email
13 23/08/2024 13-2024 Use of ICETABs for efficient examination and clearance process-reg Email
14 30/07/2024 10-2024 Facilitation for Fiiling of E_manifests under SCMTR Regulations 2018-reg Email
15 25/07/2024 092-2024 Public Notice 09/2024 on "Certain Clarifications relating to procedure for filing and processing of requests for various situations and types-reg. Email
16 25/07/2024 09-2024 Certain clarification relating to procedure for filing and processing of bill of entry amendment request for various types and situation Email
17 04/07/2024 08-2024 Public notice no. 08/2024 dated 04.07.2024: Instruction regarding proper description in Bill of Entry and need for provisional assessment to prevent misdeclaration of age and capacity of old and used cranes & finalisation of Bills of Entry after receiving RTO registration certificates - reg Email
18 20/06/2024 74-2024 Notice for change of address of Customs Broker License No. CUS/BLR/CB/09/2018, held by M/s.YSR Logistics (PAN No. AAAFY8719L) Email
19 18/06/2024 06-2024 PUBLIC NOTICE NO 06/2024 Email
21 30/05/2024 04-2024 Schedule of the Oral Examination under Regulation 6(3) of CBLR, 2018 for the eligible candidates who have passed/qualified the written examination held on 19.03.2024 - Reg. Email
22 20/05/2024 S/5-02/2023-P&E INVITATION OF QUOTATION Email
23 20/05/2024 S/5-04/2016 P&E OFFICE ORDER NO. 21 /2023 Email
24 15/05/2024 14.05.2024 Invitation of Quotation for e-filing of GST-TDS-reg Email
25 15/05/2024 16.04.2024 TRACER CIRCULAR Email
26 15/05/2024 15-05-2024 Tracer Circular Email
27 14/05/2024 S/26-Misc-20/2020-21 Tracer Circular/ Look Out Notice Email
28 14/05/2024 S/23-112/2024Lab CRCL Module-F0rwarding of Samples using electronic Test Memo only to CRCL and other Revenues Laboratories-reg Email
29 14/05/2024 09/2024 Changes made in recent past in SCMTR module of ICES application-Reg. Email
30 11/05/2024 191/2024 Establishment order no. 191/2024 Email
31 10/05/2024 89/2024 Inviting applications for the post of Staff Car Driver Ordinary Grade in various Directorates under CBIC on deputation basis. - reg. Email
32 10/05/2024 41/2024-25 Extension/renewal of CB License of M/s Venjoh Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Email
33 10/05/2024 09/2024 Detention_Notice - (10.05.2024) Email
34 10/05/2024 02/2024 Launch of functionalities / features on Customs Broker Licensing Management System (CBLMS) - (Public Notice no. 02/2024 dated 09-05-2024) Email
35 09/05/2024 01/2024 Empanelment of the valuers of Seized/Confiscated/Time Expired Bonded Goods Email
36 08/05/2024 07-05-2024 Issue Regarding the Email ID of Group IV (Import-1) Email
37 07/05/2024 S/5-02/2023 Invitation of Quotation Email
38 06/05/2024 06-05-2024 MEMORANDUM OF CANCELLATION- CGLE 2023 examiners Email
39 04/05/2024 51 /2024 Special drive for cancellation of Bond/Bank Guarantee on account of submission of EODC/ Redemption Letters issued by the DGFT Authorit1es -reg. Email
40 03/05/2024 03.05.2024 Invitation of Quotation for e-filing of GST-TDS-reg. Email
41 02/05/2024 01/2024 Facility Notice regarding pending drawback claims due to non-submission of query replies. Email
42 01/05/2024 03/Disposal/2003 Disposal of pending detained/confiscated goods in view of Standing Order No. 03/Disposal/2003 dated 27.10.2003 issued by Commissioner of Customs Email
43 30/04/2024 S/26-Misc-20/2023-24 Tracer Circular - BIFR Cases Group IV NCH - Website upload Email
44 29/04/2024 08.05.2024 Interactive Sessions/ Open House on Faceless Assessment on 08.05.2024 Email
45 26/04/2024 31.03.2024 Monthly disposition list of group A officer in Mumbai custom zone-I Email
46 24/04/2024 03/Disposal/2003 Disposal of pending detained/confiscated goods Email
47 24/04/2024 15/2024 OFFICE ORDER NO. 15/2024 Email
48 23/04/2024 154/2024 & 155/2024 ESTT. OFFICE ORDER NO. 154/2024 & 155/2024 Email
49 23/04/2024 03/Disposal/2003 disposal of pending detained/confiscated goods Email
50 23/04/2024 03/Disposal/2003 disposal of pending detained/confiscated goods Email
51 23/04/2024 S/43-331/2018-19 Invitation of Quotation-reg. Email
52 22/04/2024 S/26-Misc-20/2023-24 Tracer Circular in the Customs website regarding lots pertaining to Group IV in Mumbai Port Email
53 19/04/2024 03/Disposal/2003 Notice dated 17.04.2024 (along with Annexure I,II & III) regarding Disposal of pending detained/confiscated goods in view of Standing Order No. 03/Disposal/2003 dated 27.10.2003 issued by Commissioner of Customs (G) Email
54 18/04/2024 17/04/2023 Tracer notice for NOC of lots-reg Email
55 18/04/2024 04/2024-25 Suspension Order No. 04/2024-25 dated 17.04.2024 i.r.o. of the CB M/s. Global Clearance & Logistics Email
56 18/04/2024 17.04.2024 Disposal of pending detained/confiscated goods in view of Standing Order No. 03/Disposal/2003 dated 27.10.2003 issued by Commissioner of Customs Email
57 16/04/2024 03/2024-25 Suspension order of M/s Modern Cargo Services Pvt. Ltd. (11/881) Email
58 13/04/2024 12.04.2024 Detention_Notice -1 (13.04.2024) Email
59 13/04/2024 13-04-2024 Detention Notice - 2 (13-04-2024) Email
60 08/04/2024 51 /2024 Special Drive for Cancellation of Bond/BG on account of submission of EODC issued by DGFT authorities Email
61 08/04/2024 29.02.2024 Update the Disposition List - 29.02.2024 Email
62 08/04/2024 27.03.2024 Memorandum of Cancellation - 27.03.2024 Email
63 08/04/2024 04.04.2024 Detention Notice - 04.04.2024 Email
64 08/04/2024 04.04.2024 Detention Notice-04.04.2024 (2) Email
65 05/04/2024 29.02.2024 Update the Disposition List-29.02.2024 Email
66 03/04/2024 D1 /2024-25 continuation of suspension reg. Email
67 02/04/2024 29.02.2024 Disposition list of the month of January and february 2024 of group A officer of Mum NCH-I Email
68 02/04/2024 31.01.2024 Disposition list of the month of January and february 2024 of group A officer of Mum NCH-I (31.01.2024) Email
69 28/03/2024 185/2023-24 Extension/renewal of license -185/2023-24 Email
70 28/03/2024 184/2023-24 Extension/renewal of license - 184/2023-24 Email
71 28/03/2024 183/2023-24 Extension/renewal of license - 183/2023-24 Email
72 28/03/2024 28-03-2024 Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of NAC (Automobile and Instruments & Miscellaneous Products) held on 20.03.2024 Email
73 27/03/2024 26-03-2024 Circular regarding Representations for Annual General Transfer (AGT- 2024). Email
74 27/03/2024 54 /2023-24 Suspension order of M/s Modern Cargo Services Pvt. Ltd. (11/881) Email
75 26/03/2024 22-03-2024 Bid Document - 4813156 Email
76 26/03/2024 22-03-2024 Bid Document - 4812367 Email
77 22/03/2024 22.03.2024 Suspension continuation order 53/2023-24 in the case of M/s. Razvi Shipping Agency (11/314) Email
78 21/03/2024 01/2024 Trade Notice Email
79 21/03/2024 128/2024 Establishment Order No. 128/2024 Email
80 20/03/2024 19.03.2024 Minutes of Top-25 Importers' Meeting Held on 27.02.2024 Email
81 20/03/2024 197 /2023-24 Notice for change of address of Infinity Logistics and Supply chain Email
82 15/03/2024 14/2024-Allocation Office Order no. 14/2024-Allocation/ Posting of Joint Commissioners posted to Mumbai Customs Zones vide Office order no. 12/2024 dated 14.03.2024 (Centralized Order no. DGHRD/JC-ADC/37/2024) issued by the Office of Principal Chief Commissioner of CGST & CX Mumbai in the grade of Additional/ Joint Commissioners-regarding Email
83 14/03/2024 13-03-2024 Inter-Zonal transfer in the Grade of Superintendent of Customs(P)-reg. Email
84 13/03/2024 03.2024 NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER Email
85 11/03/2024 NO 51/2024 Special drive for cancellation of Bond/Bank Guarantee on account of submission of EODC/ Redemption Letters issued by the DGFT Authorities –reg Email
86 11/03/2024 1897 EPCG license list updated till Feb. 2024 1897 EPCG license list updated till Feb. 2024 Email
87 11/03/2024 DEEC licenses pending till 01.03.2024 DEEC licenses pending till 01.03.2024 Email
88 04/03/2024 no 51-2024 Special drive for cancellation of Bond/bank Guarantee on account of submission of EODC/Redemption letters issued by the DGFT Authorities-reg Email
89 01/03/2024 No. 22/2022 Notification No. 22/2022-Customs (N.T.) Email
90 16/02/2024 NO - 14 /2024 Departmental Examination for promotion of Tax Assistant (TA) to the grade of Executive Assistants (EA) of Central Taxes & Customs to be held in the month of March, 2024-reg. Email
91 14/02/2024 NO. 50/2023-24 Conduct of G-category examination for the year 2024 under regulation 13 of CBLR, 2018 by Mumbai Customs - reg. Email
92 05/02/2024 Detention Notice detention notice under 142(1)(a)&(b) of the customs act,1962 against M/s JRM & others Email
93 02/02/2024 No.12/2024 Circular no. 12/2024 dated 01.02.2024 Email
94 02/02/2024 NO. 04 /2024 Circulation of Draft Seniority List of Working Tax Assistant of Mumbai Customs Zone as on 01.01.2023 reg. Email
95 01/02/2024 Detention Notice Recovery of duty forgone amount of Rs 1,51,74,628/- along with applicable rate of interest from M/s.Guru Exports-reg Email
96 01/02/2024 Detention Notice Recovery of duty forgone amount of Rs 56,56,77,578/- along with applicable rate of interest from M/s. Appollo International (IEC No.0594050014)-reg Email
97 31/01/2024 No. 07/2024 Circular No. 07/2024 (Regarding Roll Nos. for appearing in departmental examination ) Email
98 31/01/2024 Minutes of the 6th NAC Minutes of the 6th NAC 'Automobiles and Instruments & Miscellaneous Products' held on 19.01.2024 Email
99 31/01/2024 No. 08/2024 Circular No. 08/2024 (Regarding Roll Nos. for appearing in departmental examination ) Email
100 31/01/2024 No. 06/2024 Circular no. 06/2024(Regarding Roll Nos. for appearing in departmental examination ) Email
101 31/01/2024 No .09/2024 Circular for MACP of concerned Head Havaldar/ Havaldar/ MTS/Liftman. Email
102 31/01/2024 No .05/2024 Conduct of Departmental Examination for Confirmation of Direct Recruit Tax Assistant For the year 2023-24,regarding. Email
103 31/01/2024 JCM Meeting Minutes of the JCM meeting held on 09.01.2024 at 16:00 Hrs Email
104 31/01/2024 Detention Notice Recovery of duty forgone amount of Rs.16,60,99,398/-along with applicable rate of interest from M.s.kunal Overseas Ltd.(IEC NO. 0388072105)-reg Email
105 31/01/2024 Detention Notice (Issued under Section 142(l)(a)and 142(lxb) of customs Act 1962) Email
106 30/01/2024 Detention Notice (Issued under Section 142(l)(a)and 142(l)(b) of Customs Act 1962) Email
107 30/01/2024 Detention Notice (Issued under Section 142(1)(a)and ] 42(1)(b) of Customs Act 1962) Email
108 30/01/2024 Detention Notice (Issued under Section 142(1)(a)and 142(1)(b) of Customs Act 1962) Email
109 30/01/2024 Detention Notice (Issued under Section 142(l)(a)and 142(l)(b) of Customs Act 1962) Email
110 30/01/2024 Detention Notice (Issued under Section 142(1)(a)and ] 42(1)(b) of Customs Act 1962) Email
111 30/01/2024 No. 47/203-24 Public Notice No. 47/203-24 dated 30.01.2023 (In respect of existing mechanism of grievance redressal and problem solving at the end of BIS and Line Ministry) Email
112 30/01/2024 No 48/2024 Updation of changes vide Budget 2024-25-System-Reg Email
113 23/01/2024 Minutes of the JCM meeting Minutes of JCM Meeting held on 09.01.2024 Email
114 22/01/2024 A T T E S T A T I O N F O R M Attestation form for uploading (Compassionate Ground appointment) Email
115 19/01/2024 05.01.2024 Usage of public email IDs on AIOs provided by DG Systems-reg. Email
116 18/01/2024 Detention Notice Detention Notice (C. No. VIII/ICD-TKD/6/Recovery /Import/104/2021/28337) - reg Email
117 18/01/2024 Detention Notice Detention Notice (Dispatch No. 28373) - reg Email
118 18/01/2024 Detention Notice Detention Notice (Issued under Section 142 (1)(a) and 142 (1)(b) of Customs Act, 1962-reg. Email
119 18/01/2024 Detention Notice Detention Notice (Dispatch No. 28409) - reg Email
120 16/01/2024 Detention Notice Recovery of fine & penalty of Rs.1-95,00,373/-along with applicable rate of interest from M/s Mili international(IEC NO. 0388028653)-reg. Email
121 16/01/2024 Detention Notice Forwarding of Detention Notices - Custom House, Tuticorin -reg. Email
122 16/01/2024 Detention Notice Forwarding of Detention Notices - Custom House, Tuticorin -reg. Email
123 16/01/2024 Detention Notice Forwarding of Detention Notices - Custom House, Tuticorin -reg. Email
124 16/01/2024 Detention Notice detention notice -reg. Email
125 04/01/2024 Detention Notice Recovery of Drawback amount of Rs. 1,42,843/-from M/s JCR Drillsol Pvt. Ltd., (IEC-0704013797 Email
126 02/01/2024 No.40/2024 Requirement of bond for movement from port to Port under ETP-Reg Email
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