Sr.No DATE Notice NO. SUBJECT Email
1 27/03/2025 39/2025 Public Notice No.: 39/2025: Conduct of “G” category examination for the year 2025 under Regulation 13(5) of CBLR, 2018 by the Mumbai Customs Broker Policy Section to be held on 04.05.2025 (List of eligible candidates)- Reg Email
2 21/03/2025 297-2024/25 Notice No. 297/24-25 iro of CB, M/s INEXT LOGISTICS & SUPPLY CHAIN PRIVATE LIMITED-reg Email
3 20/03/2025 293/2024-25 Notice No. 293/2024-25 dated 20.03.2025 regarding change in constitution of CB M/s APM Terminal India Pvt Ltd (CB No. 11/1058, PAN- AAACM8741P) Email
4 18/03/2025 290/2024-25 Notice no. 290/2024-25 dated 18.03.2025 for extension of validity for Life Time Email
5 17/03/2025 288-2024/25 Notice No. 288/2024-25 in respect of CB, M/s Portlinks INC to permission grant under 7(3) as per CBLR, 2018 at Mumbai -reg Email
6 11/03/2025 287/2024-25 Notice No. 287/2024-25 for change of office address iro of CB M/s KJV LOGISTICS (11/2010)-reg, Email
7 10/03/2025 291/2024-25 Change of office address of CB Tripath Logistics Private Limited (PAN: AAFCT1227Q) Email
8 06/03/2025 286/2024-25 Notice No. 286/2024-25 dated 06.03.2025 regarding addition of Director in the CB firm M/s Modern Cargo Services Pvt Ltd (CB No. 11/881) (PAN- AAACM7088B) Email
9 06/03/2025 282/2024-25 Notice No. 282/24-25 dated 06.03.2025 for Change of address against the CB M/s. PACIFIC LOGICARE SERVICES L.L.P (11/2015) (PAN No. AAOFP8947R)-reg Email
10 04/03/2025 280/24-25 Notice No. 280/24-25 for extension of license validity of CB. M/s. Mohanlal Devji & Sons (11/242) Email
11 27/02/2025 292/2024-25 Change of office address of CB Absco Logistics Private Limited (11/2245) Email
12 23/02/2025 33-2025 Conduct of 'G’ category examination for the year 2025 under Regulation 13 (5) of CBLR, 2018 by the Mumbai Customs Broker Policy Section to be held on 04.05.2025 - Reg. Email
13 20/02/2025 273-2024/25 Notice for addition of office address CB V S Shipping Agency (11/2066). Email
14 19/02/2025 267/2045-25 Notice No. 267/2024-25 dated 19.02.2025 for change of correspondence address iro of CB, M/s Poonia and Bros. Email
15 19/02/2025 268/2025 NOTICE No. 268/2024-25 for Re-activation of license o M/s. Ganesh Shipping Agency (11/715) - Reg. Email
16 19/02/2025 269/2024-25 Notice No. 269/2024-25 for change in partner i.r.o M/s. Ganesh Shipping Agency (11/715) for n/a at your end please. Email
17 19/02/2025 270-2024-25 Notice No. 270/2024-25 dated 19.02.2025 for changing correspondence address iro of CB,M/s Shri Sai Baba Cargo Clearing Pvt. Ltd. (CB No. 11/606) - Reg. Email
18 18/02/2025 266/2024-25 Notice No. 266/2024-25 dated 18.02.2025 for change of CB Name from Aevitas Shipping & Logistics Pvt Ltd to KADBROS AEVITAS SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED - Reg Email
19 18/02/2025 271/2024-25 Notice No. 271/2024-25 for change of correspondence address iro of CB, M/s Great Circle Shipping P. Ltd., Email
20 12/02/2025 265/2024-25 CB Licence Restoration Notice No. 265/2024-25 dated 12.02.2025 against CB M/s. Hirannya Shipping and Logistics Services (11/2002) -reg Email
21 06/02/2025 261-2025 Notice No. 261/2024-25 dated 06.02.2025 for change of CB Name from Classic Shipping Services to EXIM INC- Reg. Email
22 04/02/2025 260-2025 Notice No. 260/2024-25 dated 04.02.2025 regarding change of address iro M/s Rupali Logistics Clearing & Forwarding Pvt. Ltd (11/2000) - reg. Email
23 31/01/2025 258-2025 Notice No. 258/24-25 iro of CB' M/s Vikrant Gogia -reg Email
24 29/01/2025 256-2025 Notice No. 256/24-25 regarding permission u/r 7(3), CBLR 2018 iro of CB, M/s ASR Express P Ltd Email
25 27/01/2025 255-2025 Notice No. 255/2024-25 i.r.o. Reconstitution of CB M/s Worldfreight-reg. Email
26 27/01/2025 NO-253-2024 Fwd: notice 253/2024-25 dated 27.01.2025 for validity extension to life time iro M/s A V Global Corporation Pvt Ltd Email
27 24/01/2025 252-2024/25 regarding extension of License validity of CB Tripath Logistics Private Limited (PAN: AAFCT1227Q) till Life Time. Email
28 23/01/2025 240/2024-25 NOTICE 250/2024-25 Email
29 23/01/2025 247-2025 Validity extension Notice i.r.o. M/s BLACKER & co PVT LTD on the basis of Parent License of Delhi Customs (Airport & General)-reg. Email
30 23/01/2025 246-2025-25 License Notice No. 246/2024-25 CBS i.r.o. M/s K.Ravi in reference to permission under regulation 7(3) of CBLR, 2018 on the basis of Parent License at Chennai-VIII Customs (General) Email
31 23/01/2025 245-2025 License Notice No. 245/2024-25 i.r.o. M/s HTNS Logistics India Pvt. Ltd.-reg. Email
32 15/01/2025 242/2025-26 Addition of director in CB Shlok Logistics Pvt Ltd (11/2262). Email
33 15/01/2025 240-2024/25 office address of CB M/s EPT EXIM SERVICES PVT LTD (11/2290) Email
34 15/01/2025 243-2024/25 Notice No. 243/2024-25 iro of CB, M/s Rado Impex Logistics P. Ltd., -reg Email
35 14/01/2025 242/2024-25 Notice No. 242/2024-25 for appointment of new Authorized Person and Director in the CB M/s. Impex Shipping (India) Pvt. Ltd. - Reg. Email
36 14/01/2025 239-2025/26 License validity till Life Time of CB Spire Logistics India Private Limited (PAN: AAQCS9230B). Email
37 10/01/2025 238-2024/25 Notice No. 238/2024-25 dated 10.01.2025 for change of address i.r.o CB M/s. Hind Ship Airways (CB No. 11/672)- Reg. Email
38 05/01/2025 Detention Notice Recovery for forgone amount of 2,01,967/- along with applicable rate of Interest. Email
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